GABAL Global Editions
A Mission Statement for your Life
- A Mission Statement for your Life Reading Sample (PDF 612,7 KB)
Your compass for a fulfilled and meaningful life
Am I in the right job? How’s my private life – and what do I really want to achieve? More and more of us are finding ourselves preoccupied by such existential questions. When we think about them, we quickly realise that answers are not at all easy to come by. This workbook by Stephen R. Covey is designed to help you explore the meaning of life and develop your own personal mission statement.
The workbook is packed with examples, questions for reflection, food for thought, and practical tips for creating your personal mission statement. Step by step, it will help you to identify what drives you, what you (really, really) want and what makes you truly happy. By the end of it, your personal mission statement will be complete: a guiding light to keep you on the path to a meaningful, effective and successful life.
Virtual Negotiation
- Portner Reading Sample Englisch (PDF 803,9 KB)
An Optimal Approach to Online Negotiations
Negotiating online brings its own set of challenges. For new and experienced negotiators alike, the new brand of negotiation brings an array of unwelcome uncertainties. Most organisations still lack expertise.
Did you know, though, that major corporations are already concluding billion-dollar deals via MS Teams and similar tools? Remote negotiations aren’t going anywhere – not least because of the savings they facilitate on travel time and expenses. In this new book, you’ll learn to adapt your techniques to remote negotiating and deal with emails, phone calls and technical disruptions that interrupt the flow of the call. You’ll gain confidence in handling adverse developments and master this core skill with aplomb.
Authored by negotiation expert Jutta Portner, the book is aimed at all those for whom negotiating is no longer merely an in-person exercise. Follow her advice and become a virtual negotiation pro!
Remove Replace Restart
- Greiser Reading Sample Englisch (PDF 756,3 KB)
The Essential Maintenance Manual for Your Engine for Success
Have you ever felt like you’re treading water professionally, having reached the limits of what you can achieve? If so, it might be time for a reset. Careers progress through distinct phases: you climb the career ladder, change direction or start your own business, and eventually retire. As different as these phases are, so too are the rules of success that govern them. To keep succeeding, you must mentally shift gears and realign yourself accordingly along the way.
Passionate “career technician” Christian Greiser is here to help you do just that. In this engaging and humorous new book, he draws on insights from his many years of experience as an executive coach and incorporates research findings, case studies, and exercises to show how you can shift your mindset to achieve success and fulfillment in the next phase of your career.
The Kindness Economy
- Kindness Economy Reading Sample (PDF 319,3 KB)
People before Profit
The Kindness economy is a powerful new force for change in business that will benefit not just society but the planet. The decade old profit first driven business strategy of not “giving a fuck” about people or the planet is no longer tenable for the multitude of challenges we face both environmentally, and socially. Today we need to switch around our priorities - first people, then the planet, then profit. In that order. From just chasing value (profit), to adding values (kindness), this book looks at the successful examples and strategies to build better society, better cities, and a better future for us all. In terms of trend logic, it is the countertrend we have been waiting for.
Reality in Branding
- Reality in Branding Reading Sample (PDF 97,9 KB)
The Rules of European Brand Management in 50 Answers
Believing is not the same as knowing: The fundamental facts about the laws of european brand management in 50 answers From breakfast cereals to smartphones, nothing is left unbranded: brands are with us every step of the way. We define ourselves through the brands we surround ourselves with. Even if we reject brands, that’s a brand statement. Brands are everywhere in the 21st century – that’s exactly why we all have an opinion on them. When it comes to private life, there is little objection to this concept. However, when it comes to brand management and brand positioning with – in a company, personal sensitivities and feelings are out of place. Too many opinions, too little wisdom: In 50 timeless answers, brand sociologists Dr. Arnd Zschiesche and Prof. Dr. Oliver Errichiello put a stop to the brand debates that are shaped by the zeitgeist. They speak in plain language where vague chatter typically prevails. And they show why every brand is a social phenomenon that has an impact: It’s about the management of social “hard facts.” Not just in Europe. Classic European Brand Management leads the way for every company seriously focusing on economic success for the long term – internally, as well. It’s time for timeless, value-oriented Branding from the old continent.
The Complexity Trap
- Synopsis Complexity Trap (PDF 120,3 KB)
It seems like some organizations need to get turned inside out to react to the growing complexity of our world. Concepts like interconnectedness, self-organization, and unpredictability seem too big and mysterious for them to confront. Making things harder is the fact that complex tasks are dynamic, nonlinear, and nontransparent.
As a result, Stephanie Borgert, an expert on navigating complex problems and situations, gives managers and executives the tools and insights they need to respond to these challenges. She introduces the concept of complexity and explains the key features of complex systems. Then, she reveals the nine most common complexity-related misconceptions that continue to be widespread in management circles. By summarizing the skills, mindsets, and competencies that are necessary for mastering complexity, she provides the insights that executives and managers need to be successful despite—or perhaps as a result of—complexity.
Order your copy here
Effective Change Communication
- Effective Change Communication Reading Sample (PDF 451,9 KB)
Change has become a bone of contention in organisations in recent years. The reality is, however, that any business seeking to survive in a VUCA world must master the accompanying challenges: digital transformation, changing customer behaviour and more. Moreover, the success of any new strategy depends on successful storytelling. Only with the right communication is it possible to get all stakeholders in a company - from the body of employees to the board of directors - pulling in the same direction and realising the necessary changes with full force.
This guidebook explains why people are naturally averse to change, how to develop a clear change strategy, how to find the right story for the right stakeholders and how to use metaphors to bring a story to life and convince your audience.
Leadership without Mind Games
- Leadership without Mind Games Reading Sample (PDF 1,6 MB)
How to Win People with Ethics and Decency
No need for mind games. Leadership is not rocket science. The daily tasks of managers revolve mostly around numbers, statistics, competition, and ultimately, success. What we often forget is that a big aspect of leadership relies on managing relationships. Many see this as an unnecessary burden, at best. So, what could be better than being able to reach into a box of psychological tricks and swiftly finish off disagreements or completely avoid conflict? I am afraid that is too easy. If you want to be successful and retain competent employees for the long term, you would be well advised to stay away from such gimmicks. Those who lead people have a responsibility - they are responsible for treating their employees with decency. That leaves no room for cheap tricks or power games.
Think it. Do it. Change it.
- Think it. Do it. Change it. (PDF 318,2 KB)
Think Big. Act Bold. Get the Results you want.
Most people keep their dreams and intentions locked in a drawer, staying in jobs they don‘t like and settling for unsatisfying relationships. Thus deluding themselves, they wait for the right moment. Hoping for some vague later, however, is often deceptive as it eventually turns into never.
Ilja Grzeskowitz offers up ways in his new book, how people can change their own lives without a title, money or permission of others. By means of memorable stories, exciting practical examples and challenging ideas you will find out how motivation really works, why fear is your best friend and which two words have the potential to change your entire life.
Order your copy here
Automated Sales.
- Synopsis_Automated Sales (PDF 540,7 KB)
A Systematic Approach To Boosting Your Business
Many businesspeople and salespeople leave their offices at the end of the day without a valuable, measurable, and presentable sales outcome.
It’s easy to see why: With distractions flowing from all directions, businesses and salespeople need to focus on what matters to achieve results. After all, successful selling is a lot like skiing—while the layperson uses force, the professional relies on technique.
Steffen Ritter, one of Germany’s leading consultants for sellers and agents, explains how you can join top performers in this energy-efficient guide to automating the sales process to boost revenue.
Learn how to:
- create new habits to make sales easier;
- contact customers systematically;
- provide the right customers with the right service; and
- create value for customers on a continuous basis.
Order your copy here
30 Minutes Innovation Culture
- 30 Minutes Innovation Culture Reading Sample (PDF 303,2 KB)
Change has become a bone of contention in organisations in recent years. The reality is, however, that any business seeking to survive in a VUCA world must master the accompanying challenges: digital transformation, changing customer behaviour and more. Moreover, the success of any new strategy depends on successful storytelling. Only with the right communication is it possible to get all stakeholders in a company - from the body of employees to the board of directors - pulling in the same direction and realising the necessary changes with full force.
This guidebook explains why people are naturally averse to change, how to develop a clear change strategy, how to find the right story for the right stakeholders and how to use metaphors to bring a story to life and convince your audience.
30 Minutes Value-Oriented Leadership
- 30 Minutes Value-Oriented Leadership (PDF 324,5 KB)
Being a leader today means setting aside your own understanding of the world and values and embracing those of the company and its employees. The leadership principle of the 9 Levels of Value Systems developed by Rainer Krumm meets this challenge.
Read how leaders
- live the different areas of leadership
- significantly characterize the corporate culture
- can influence the way the company is perceived by
- the outside world
30 Minutes Team Culture
- 30 Minutes Team Culture Reading Sample (PDF 431,0 KB)
Working in teams is an integral part of everyday work today. But instead of synergies, work groups often deliver worse results than expected. The cause is usually a poor fit between individuals, group, organization and market. Here, with the 7-S model and the 9 Levels of Value Systems, are practical tools that enable you to achieve this alignment.
Learn in this guide:
- how to positively influence your team culture
- how to recognize value systems of your team members
- how you can further develop your team culture so that
- you remain successful in the long term
FAQ Lizenzverkauf
- LIZENZ Autorenfragebogen (PDF 172,9 KB)
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